Business Services

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Business Services

Trash Services

Trash BinWaste Management, Inc. is the exclusive front load and cart trash service provider in West Sacramento. Property managers may contact Waste Management directly to set-up or make changes to trash service at (866) 844-1508 or at

Review all of your available services by viewing the Commercial Brochure here.

Recycling Services

Through our contract with Waste Management, Inc., the City offers a mixed recycling service at no additional cost to trash services. 

Recycling Cart

City staff are equipped to help set up a recycling program customized to meet your needs. In addition to a no-added-cost front load or cart recycling service, we offer educational information on how to recycle, interior recycling collection containers, specialized locking front load bin lids and waste evaluations.

For additional information on West Sacramento's recycling services, please contact the City at (916) 617-4590 or

Organics (Senate Bill 1383 Recycling Requirements)

 Organics Globe with White Space

Legislation designed to cut greenhouse gas emissions is now in effect. Learn more about how you can help.

Visit the SB1383 page to learn more about specific program requirements.

Food Accessories Available Upon Request (Assembly Bill 1276)

As of January 1, 2022, Assembly Bill 1276 prohibits food facilities from providing any “single-use foodware accessory” or “standard condiment” to consumers unless requested by the consumer.

Single-use foodware accessories are any single-use item provided alongside ready-to-eat food such as plastic utensils, chopsticks, and straws. Standard condiments are those that are used on a food item after preparation such as ketchup packets, salt and pepper, and sugar packets.

For your convenience, the City can provide businesses with informational signs upon request to be displayed to customers. For further questions, please contact the City at (916) 617-4590 or

Exemptions and Self-Hauling Requests

Want to apply for organics exemption, or to self-haul your waste? Register here to access the correct forms.

Hazardous Waste
Small business or Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generators can schedule a hazardous waste drop off appointment with the Yolo County Central Landfill by calling (800) 207-8222. For more information call (530) 666-8729 or visit
Click here to access free resources to help your business meet the recycling and organics requirements.